What is Liposuction? - Do you really know about Liposuction..?

How many artists and celebrities can remain so thin?

Without doubt, many of them are the traditional way, adhering to strict diets and exercise programs. But at least some, they needed to leave their thinner thighs, abdomen and hips more defined in clinics for plastic surgery and liposuction, even if they are reluctant to admit it.

The celebrities are not the only people who want a more stripped down body through liposuction surgery.

It is estimated that doctors do some of 500 thousand of liposuction surgeries per year in the United States, making it the type of plastic surgery more popular, according to the American Society of Dermatologic Surgery (in English).

In this hub, we'll see how it's done the liposuction, learn how the procedure and discover the risks involved in the process.

Most people know that involves liposuction to remove fat from certain parts of the body to create a better appearance.

But how exactly does it work and what is liposuction?



what is fat?

It is the fabric (also known as adipose tissue) formed from cells that store energy and isolating (in terms of temperature) the body.

The subcutaneous fat is usually - located under the skin. The place where the fat is stored around the body varies depending on the age of the person. In men, fat tends to concentrate in the chest, abdomen and buttocks.

In women, usually accumulate in the breasts, hips, waist and buttocks. There are two layers of subcutaneous fat: the deep and superficial.

During the process of liposuction (also known as liposuction or liposculpture-sucking), the doctor makes a small incision and inserting a tube of stainless steel, (called a cannula) into the deep layer of fat.

Working in this layer is safer than working in the surface layer, because there is less risk of hurting the skin. In typical procedures, the doctor pushes and pulls the tube through the layer of fat (a new technique, the automated liposuction, makes these movements alone). As the tube moves, it breaks the fat cells, and a vacuum pump or a syringe to remove fat using suction.

The liposuction is commonly used for cosmetic purposes, to give a visual more smooth and graceful in regions such as the thighs, the abdomen, the buttocks, the waist, the calf, the arms or the back - regions that have not responded well to diet and exercise .

Liposuction It can also be used to reduce the size of male breasts or to remove accumulation of fat located and lipomas.

The fat can be removed over a part of the body during a single surgical procedure. It is important to realize that liposuction is not a technique for weight loss; is just a technique of remodeling.

Only diet and exercise can result in a loss of actual weight.


Doctors who do liposuction

Liposuction is not a medical specialty, and no specialized training is required, meaning that any doctor licensed, including plastic surgeons and dermatologists can do it.

The FDA (Food and Drug Administration - U.S.) recommends that you ask if your doctor has proper training to perform liposuction. It is also a good idea ask your doctor how many procedures already performed.

And do not be indecisive about the promise of wonderful results - if they seem to be as good to be true, they probably are.

Who are the best candidates for liposuction?

Having excess fat is not necessarily a factor which makes it a good candidate for a liposuction. In fact, the opposite is true.

People with normal weight and generally in good shape and that almost never had any problem, are the best candidates, because their skin is firm and elastic. If the skin is not elastic enough, it will fall after the procedure.

Therefore, in patients over the age result is not the same as in younger patients. You need to be in good physical shape so that the liposuction surgery goes well.

Anyone who has diabetes, heart condition, poor circulation, infection, bleeding or a history of clotting disorders such as thrombophilia, should consult their GP before passing through a liposuction procedure.

The liposuction is not recommended for people who are taking any medication that interfere with blood clotting, affinity of blood as aspirin, heparin and warfarin.

What is the cost of liposuction?

One of the considerations which involve the most in liposuction is the cost. The price varies according to the areas to be worked, the amount of fat removed, and the doctor who will do the procedure.

The average price of a liposuction in a part of the body ranges from $ 4 thousand to U.S. $ 7 thousand. In more than a part of the body, the cost increases of $ 2.4 thousand to U.S. $ 8 thousand.

There are additional costs, such as laboratory tests, anesthesia and the materials used in surgery.

Due to be considered a liposuction plastic surgery, the health plans do not cover this procedure.

But when performed for medical reasons, the removal of lipomas, for example, some insurance companies will cover the costs.

Liposuction surgery

Due to the fact that not all people will benefit from the same type of surgery, and that some people are not good candidates for this procedure, any surgery, liposuction begins with a consultation.

The doctor will assess your health (both physical and psychological) and determine if the elasticity of your skin and reservoirs of fat make it a good candidate.

Then the doctor will help you decide what kind of liposuction procedure is most appropriate for you.

The liposuction can be done in a surgical clinic, a medical center or a hospital. Liposuction procedures for minors are usually made and the patient can go home the same day, which tends to be less expensive.

Before the procedure, the doctor marks the skin to indicate the place where the fat is removed.

As in most surgeries, the need for a liposuction surgery. But the type of anesthesia depends on the amount of fat being removed.

For smaller areas, doctors use local anesthesia (which breaks the area around). Typically, the doctor administers a sedative, oral or injectable, along with local anesthesia to calm the patient.

Alternatively, the doctor applies in a patient epidural, which is intravenous and blocks the sensitivity of a whole part of the body (the waist down, for example).

General anesthesia should be used in hospitals when it is necessary to remove a large amount of fat, but not recommended by the American Academy of Dermatology.

In most liposuction procedures performed today, doctors inject a local anesthetic as part of the mixture of fluid. During the surgery, the doctor makes a small incision or several small incisions and insert the tube within the layers of fat in certain regions.

The tube moves quickly back and forth to remove the fat cells, which are sucked out - typically by using a device attached to a vacuum tube, and stored in a bottle.

The tube creates a tunnel in the layer of fat and needs to be undone healed and create a new way for the body.

For this reason, the patient must wear a compression garment after surgery. Due to the loss of fluids during the procedure, patients sometimes require application of intravenous fluids after surgery.

Techniques of liposuction

Doctors use various types of liposuction procedures. Read below about some of them.

Tumescent liposuction Developed by plastic surgeons in the 80s.

This has become the most common method of liposuction. He also is considered more secure than the other methods to limit the loss of blood and not always needs the replacement of intravenous fluids after the procedure. In this procedure, the doctor injects a large amount of fluid containing anesthetic (five times the amount of tissue to be removed) in the areas containing deposits of fat.

The fluid contains a local anesthetic (lidocaine), a drug that contracts blood vessels and reduces the loss of blood (epinephrine) and a saline solution that facilitates the removal of fat. The fluid makes the fat tissue increases in volume and becomes harder (get tumescent), it being easier to be removed with the cannula.

Because the fluid contains a relatively small amount of lidocaine, this procedure is performed with local anesthesia. Despite tend to be longer than other techniques - about 4 to 5 am - the tumescent liposuction has the advantage of reducing the swelling and pain after surgery.


This technique of liposucton is similar to tumescent, with the exception that it uses less fluid (the same amount of fluid to the amount of fat tissue removed).

Even though sometimes a small amount of lidocaine is added to the fluid, this technique usually requires a general or epidural anesthesia-IV.

The procedure lasts about 2 pm Assisted liposuction with ultrasound (UAL) This relatively new technique uses a special tube that vibrates very quickly and releases energy Ultrasonic.

As the cannula through the fat cells, this energy makes these cells become liquid, and then sucked. The ultrasound can be used both above (with a special transmitter) and beneath the surface of the skin (with a cannula Ultrasonic).

There are two kinds of tubes ultrasonic:

a solid probe a hollow probe The probe creates a solid concentration of tumescent solution and emulsifying fat under the skin, which is then removed with a suction tube standard.

The hollow probe emulsifica and removes the fat, but the doctors typically use a standard tube to remove the remaining fat emulsifying left by the probe (Sattler, 2005). The UAL takes longer to be procedure that other types of liposuction, but is more precise and tends to be more effective, especially in the removal of gorgura fibrous areas of the body, such as male chest and back.

The secret is that it generates an intense heat. If the tube is not removed fast enough, it can cause a burn.

Moreover, the doctors do not know the long-term effects of exposure to internal ultrasound. Liposuction automated Doctors have at your disposal an automatic cannula, which moves back and forth at high speed at a distance of 3 to 5 mm. It can remove about 40% more fat per minute that liposuction common, making the procedure is done in less time, in addition to having better results, according to doctors (Wagner, 2001). Rank">wait...

The history of liposuction

In 1975, researchers Italian Georgio and Arpad Fischer emerged with the idea of removing fat using hollow tubes connected to suction devices.

But his technique of liposuction "the dry" had many risks, mainly from blood loss and postoperative complications in as marks on the skin.

Later, Yves-Gerard Illouz, a French surgeon, developed a safer technique (wet), where he injetava a saline solution in the region to be operated to reduce the loss of blood and facilitate the removal of fat. In 1987, Jeffrey Klein, dermatologist in California, began with the tumescent technique, adding the anesthetic lidocaine in the solution injected. This is still the most widely used technique of liposuction today.

After the liposuction

If the patient is under local anesthesia, he usually returns to his home on the same day after surgery.

General anesthesia usually requires the patient to remain for a night in the hospital or the surgery center.

After the procedure, many patients do drainage of fluid on the spot where he was made to liposuction.

Sometimes, doctors need to insert tubes to facilitate drainage. Typically, patients wear an elastic compression garment at the site of surgery to compress the affected area to reduce swelling and speed up recovery.

Patients should also take antibiotics to prevent infection. See How to antibiotics. The items are removed and the incision is dissolved after 10 days. Many patients feel pain, damping or burning during the recovery process, but these symptoms usually disappear within three weeks.

Between four and six weeks later, the swelling has decreased enough to the results being seen. Patients need to avoid heavy exercise or other heavy activity for about a month after the procedure was performed.

The liposuction is permanent, but can not erase the obesity forever. If a person goes through a liposuction and keeps feeding the wrong way or do not exercise some, it will realize a bulge in the regions treated, and the fat will appear in other parts of the body.

This occurs in part because of a hormone called leptin, which is made of fatty cells. The levels of this hormone decrease when fat is removed.

This decrease causes an increase in appetite (causing the intake of food) until the levels rise again.

he problem is mainly found in people who were above the weight before surgery. To compensate for the loss of fat cells, their bodies produce more fat cells in other regions, and the fat begins to focus there.

The liposuction can be refeita if necessary, but there are no guarantees that the result is the same as the first procedure.

The Risks of Liposuction

Like any surgical procedure, the liposuction also has its risks.

This includes:


•the formation of lumps of fat and blood clots that can loosen and go to the lungs (a potentially fatal condition known as pulmonary embolism);

•much loss of fluid, causing shock or even death;

•accumulation of fluid;

•causing damage to the nerve tingling or discomfort;

•swelling that can last several weeks or months after the procedure;

•death of the skin (necrosis), where they were to liposuction: beginning to scale and die and / or create an infection;

•burns due to the probe of ultrasound;

•punctures in organs, such as the bowel can be perforated during a liposuction abdomnal;

•drug reactions, including reactions to the fluid injected with lidocaine in Lipoesculpture and "super-wet";

•deformity under the skin where the doctor remove a lot of fat;

•scars, but the doctors do their best to keep the small and hidden scars.

In rare cases, the liposuction can lead to death.

Researchers of the issue have adverse opinions, but states is an average of 3 to 100 deaths for every 100 thousand of liposuction surgeries.