Liposuction Glossary

Anesthetic: drugs that cause the loss of feeling or sensation, often used to reduce pain

Canula: a hollow pen-like instrument/tube used to draw fluid and body fat

Emulsify: to break up into small pieces

Epinephrine: a drug injected before liposuction to reduce bleeding during the procedure

Lidocaine: an anesthetic that may be injected in large amounts of liquid during liposuction

Lipoplasty: another name for liposuction that relates to “plastic surgery”

Liposculpture: another name for liposuction. “Sculpture” captions to essence of the surgeon’s artform in “sculpting” the body

Liposuction: a usually cosmetic surgical procedure in which fat is removed from a specific area of the body, by means of suction and drawing out of bodily fluids and fat

Probe: another word for canula or a similar instrument that is used to probe out fat and bodily fluids

Sedative: a drug which helps a person to relax and may make them feel sleepy

Tummy Tuck: liposuction of the abdomen area

Thigh Lift: liposuction and contouring of the thigh (inner and outer) area

Ultrasound assisted liposuction: a type of liposuction in which fat is first loosened by using an ultrasonic probe and then removed by means of suction


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