Liposuction Treatment and Recovery

One of the most important advantages of liposuction is that the procedure requires only small, discrete incisions. If it is being incorporated into another procedure, liposuction can typically be performed through the incisions made for it. When performed as a standalone procedure, liposuction may require only a local anesthesia while many patents prefer intravenous sedation. To remove the fat, Dr. O'Toole inserts a suction tube called a cannula. He breaks up and removes unwanted fat deposits, sculpting the body as desired, before closing the surgical incisions.

Liposuction recovery times vary widely depending on the size of the treated area. Some patients recover in a few days, while others require months. In most cases, patients are well enough to return to work and other normal activities within a week and are able to see their final results within about two months. Dr. O'Toole's patients from Beverly Hills, Pasadena, and elsewhere are usually asked to wear a compression garment after liposuction for about two weeks to control swelling. It is normal for patients to experience some skin looseness during recovery, but the skin should ultimately tighten within a few months of surgery to reveal the full benefits of the procedure.

Dr. O'Toole favors the use of the power assisted lipoplasty technique. This motorized tool helps to break up the fast cells more evenly and with less effort. Since smaller canulae are used, there is less chance of post-operative contour irregularity. Dr. O'Toole also occasionally uses the ultrasonic technique.

>>Watch a 3D animation of liposuction


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